Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Has it occurred to anybody that freedom of the press is not even protected by the press anymore? We are not well served by the printed media or television news. The days we knew as reporting the news seem to be gone forever. They take a shred of truth and spin it to promote an agenda, and it’s not even a hidden agenda. It’s blatantly apparent to all but the most illiterate, and there are more of those than I care to think about. (If you believe there isn’t an agenda, please note the saturated reporting of the shooting accident involving Vice President Cheney, as opposed to ex-Vice President Gore going to Saudi Arabia and verbally trashing (in a very public forum) the United States of America in every way possible. Did you even hear about it?

Enough from me. Here is Dennis Prager’s column, and he waxes more eloquently than I ever could. Needless to say, I agree with everything he says. Give it some serious thought as you continue to subscribe to your local newspapers and passively listen to a news broadcast on television....cable or other.

American news media: little courage and little honesty
Feb 14, 2006 by
Dennis Prager

"American news media have suffered in recent years. Thanks to the Internet and talk radio, millions of Americans have ceased relying on The New York Times and CNN for their written and televised news. But it is difficult to recall a greater blow to the credibility of American news media than their near-universal refusal to publish the Mohammed cartoons originally published in a Danish newspaper that have brought about worldwide Muslim protests.
This loss of credibility owes to two factors: dishonesty and cowardice.

Everyone and his mother knows why the networks and the print journals haven't shown the cartoons -- they fear Muslims blowing up their buildings and stabbing their editors to death. The only people who deny this are the news media. They all claim that they won't show the cartoons because of sensitivity to Muslim feelings. Which brings us to the other reason for the latest blow to the news media's credibility: They are lying to us. If some politicians were telling lies as blatantly as the news media are now, the media would be having a field day exposing those politicians and calling for their removal from office. But, alas, what TV news station will criticize another TV news station? And what newspaper or magazine will criticize another newspaper or magazine?

So, without anyone in the media holding them accountable, the news media continue to believe they can fool nearly all the people all the time when they say they are not publishing the cartoons out of respect for Muslim sensibilities.
Why is this false?

First, major papers in virtually every European country have published the cartoons. It is inconceivable that European papers are less concerned with Muslim sensibilities than American media are. If anything, in Europe they are more pro-Muslim given their anti-Israel and anti-American views and given that they live in countries with far greater numbers of Muslims than live in America.

Second, the reason to publish the cartoons is not to offend Muslims; it is to explain the most significant current news event in the world. How can anyone understand the Islamic riots without having seen the cartoons that triggered them? If millions of Christians rioted after cartoons were published in the Muslim world, does anyone doubt that the Western press would publish them, or that it had the obligation to do so?
The argument that people can see the cartoons on the Internet is specious. Anyone could see the photos of the abuse of Arab prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison on the Internet, yet the news media presented these photos day after day for weeks.

Third, the American press has routinely published cartoons and pictures that insult Christians and Jews. The Los Angeles Times published a cartoon depicting the stones of the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple, the holiest site to Jews, as spelling out the word "HATE" and showing a religious Jew bowing down before it. And what newspaper did not publish a photo of "Piss Christ," the Andres Serrano work of "art" depicting a crucifix in the artist's urine?
American newspapers "insult" every group whenever they feel like it, but no one riots, burns and kills because of it.

Fourth, the ban on depicting Mohammed applies to Muslims, not to non-Muslims. It is remarkable that American newspapers, so frightened of any breakdown between church and state, are suddenly guided by Muslim religious prohibitions.

Fifth, the argument that publishing the images would inflame Muslims' passions is another coverup for cowardice. No American newspaper or TV news show exhibited the slightest concern with inflaming Muslim passions when they endlessly published and depicted Abu Ghraib abuse photos.

If the liberal news media in America -- conservative Fox News and The Weekly Standard have shown the cartoons -- admitted they feared being hurt if they showed the cartoons, one would have respect for their honesty, if not their courage. But the liberal news media's lack of courage coupled with their dishonest justifications make for a devastating commentary on American news media.

One should not be surprised. A few years ago, New York Times foreign affairs reporter John Burns reported -- to his great credit -- that some of the most prestigious American news organizations had made a deal with Saddam Hussein not to report negatively about his regime in exchange for being allowed to have a Baghdad news bureau.

When it comes to taking on conservatives, Catholics, Evangelicals and the like, liberal news media are Supermen. When it comes to confronting real evil, however, the news media are Mickey Mouse."

Dennis Prager is a radio talk show host, author, and contributing columnist for
Copyright © 2006 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I CONFESS........I can find myself caught up in (what did my anthropology professor call it?) CONSPICUOUS CONSUMER CONSUMPTION............ as much as the next person. I am barely recovered from Christmas and Valentine’s Day is being shoved down my throat. Did you notice that the Valentine cards were out on the shelves before the Christmas cards were put away? So..... I’ve done what any normal, red-blooded American would do. I’ve purchased & put together Valentine gifts for my husband, my Mother & my adult daughter. Cards (including one from the cat & dog), a musical card (’s not Wild Thing), CD’s, candy hearts, a book, a frilly little top from Target (50%off!), gift soap from Whole Foods (must be healthy), polished rocks with "LOVE"& "CREATE" carved in them, and oh yes, a Hallmark gorilla named Boom Boom (just $9.98 if you buy 3 cards) that lights up and makes the sound of a beating heart when you squeeze his hand. I really wanted Valentino Lion, but they were out of him. Well, I think you get the point. The question is.....DO I GET IT? This is really ridiculous and I know it. Why do I get sucked in?

Just what is Valentines Day anyway?

The date was initially marked by sending love poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a maybe a dance . When did it get so completely out of hand?

Well, I have definitely decided to keep it simple from now on. I vow to not get caught up in all this consumer craziness anymore in regard to all holidays. I owe it to myself to lead a more simplistic and less frivolous lifestyle. I vow to concentrate on the true meaning of holidays from now on. My family will just have to understand that these childish celebrations have to be scaled way back.

So’ve heard it from me. That’s it!
NO MORE SANTA CLAUS, EASTER BUNNY, etc.! Enough is enough.

I need to close now. When I was getting out the Valentine decorations, I set out the Easter baskets and all the Easter decorations so I could go through them and see what I needed to update. I noticed Target has a whole aisle of Easter out and I want to be sure and get what I need before they sell out.

There was this talking chocolate bunny.........................

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It seems the world is spinning out of control and I think we all feel somewhat powerless to do anything about it. I know I do. These radical Islamists have gone crazy over this cartoon business. But I'm afraid it's not nearly so simplistic as a reaction to a series of cartoons. Do the Jews riot & murder at the cruel depictions of them by (not even radical) Muslims? Do the Christians riot and set fires as they are pummeled in the media and the art world .....when Christ is depicted as "Piss Christ" in a vat of urine? Make no mistake about it...this is a clash of civilizations, not merely some spontaneous overreaction to some cartoons. This is a carefully orchestrated violent response to any perceived opposition to their view of the world, God, & Man. (How do you think they had so many Danish flags ready to burn?) I think the only thing they understand is "like" & superior power. Hirsi Ali, the black, Muslim, female co-producer of assassinated Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, talked about western journalists to Der Spiegel this week, while in hiding: "The [Islamists] call Jews and Christians inferior, and we say they're just exercising their freedom of speech ... Islamists don't allow their critics the same rights … After the West prostrates itself, the [Islamists] will be more than happy to say that Allah has made the infidels spineless."

Where is our proud American press who so prides itself in the tradition of truth? The people (that's YOU & ME) need to demand our local media (television & newspapers) reprint these cartoons. Did appeasement stop Hitler or lead to further agression? Do we ever learn our history lessons?

I try to get up everyday and lead a somewhat normal life, but it is becoming a little scary. I'd like to plan a trip to Europe, but don't feel safe. I'm not sure I feel truly safe anywhere other than in my own little corner of the world.

And how much longer will that be?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I was just reminded in an email from a friend of the disgusting cartoon (recently published by The Washington Post) of a member of the armed services depicted with no arms or legs lying in a hospital bed. (What could be a more shining example of the Left's hatred of President Bush than this? That's another subject though) We then read that General Motors is pulling their advertising from the LA Times because of " factual errors and misrepresentations in the newspaper", a spokesman for the automaker said. For GM, it may seem little more than a slap on the wrist to the LA Times, but to the Times, it represents what has been estimated as a loss of around $21 million in advertising revenue a year. Major newspapers and media outlets across the country continue to lose readers, subscribers, and advertisers while ways of disseminating information and news to the public continues to morph into a completely new sub-culture of its own . While some might call this a form of censorship, it is Americans exercising their God-given right to decide how to use their advertising dollars as well as their expendable income. Of course, these newspapers can certainly continue to print whatever they like, but management had better start understanding the consequences of editorial incompetence.

For me, what is missing is CREDIBILITY. The days are gone when we go to a doctor and accept their verdict as if they were God. Many of us take a pro-active approach to our own health now. We seek other opinions and make more informed decisions. Same for our news sources. We aren't so quick to accept any one news outlet (newspaper, internet source, or television) as the gospel. We question, seek other facts and opinions, and draw our own conclusions and when the facts blur the lines with fiction and blind hatred, WE MOVE ON TO A MORE CREDIBLE SOURCE!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Before you get too far....this is not a movie review.

BUT............if you have never seen the movie, Night of the Iguana , then you have missed moviemaking at it's very best. Based on the play by Tennessee Williams and directed by John Huston, every major player is superbly cast. It is a truly amazing and brilliant film with a wide range of emotional and intellectual levels existing within it. It makes it worth seeing more than once.

Richard Burton was quite possibly one of the most gifted actors the world has ever known. It's worth watching for his performance alone. all I can think of to say.

Ava Gardner was never better or sexier. (she once said, "Deep down, I'm pretty superficial") Well, she is anything but superficial in this role. It's hard to believe that this was her last really great movie. "The rest", she said, "were for the loot." Maybe, in a way, she was really playing Ava Gardner. Regardless, she was phenomenal.

And Deborah Kerr....very aptly cast as the gentle and dutiful granddaughter of the poet. She is thoughtful, sensitive, and plays the role as if she is living it. One of her best performances.

Filmed on location in Puerto Vallarta Mexico in 1964, this movie was responsible for making Puerto Vallarta a popular tourist destination forevermore. Filmed in the striking contrast of black and white, I am reminded of what is often lost in color movies. Even more than that, I am reminded of what is sorely missing in most moviemaking today ...... substance, sexual tension without explicit portrayal, and highly developed characters who play off each other like fine tuned instruments. I am so thankful for these great movies of a golden era and encourage you to check them out for yourself.

Funny story about John Huston and the cast: (author unknown)
"Burton was at the height of his torrid affair with Elizabeth Taylor, who had left her husband Eddie Fisher and was living openly with the still-married Burton. Deborah Kerr's husband, Peter Viertel, had once had an affair with Ava Gardner. Even John Huston had attempted to seduce Gardner at an earlier point in his career but had been rebuffed. Meanwhile, Gardner was cavorting with several Mexican beach boys on and off the set. As for Sue Lyon, she had to constantly contend with a very jealous fiance. Deborah Kerr joked that she was the only one who "wasn't having an affair with somebody." Gossip columnists sent daily dispatches from the set and it was reported that John Huston presented the cast and visitor Elizabeth Taylor with gold-plated derringers, each with bullets engraved with the names of the others. But expected fireworks never happened -- everyone got along famously."

What a genius America produced in playwright Tennessee Williams.....A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie, Suddenly Last Summer, Cat On a Hot Tin Roof, Night of the Iguana, etc.

TCM On Demand has Night of the Iguana right now. Also on TCM........Mrs Miniver (Starring Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon). Another great movie worthy of watching today.

Re: Mrs. Miniver
WW II propaganda film that succeeded as a great movie anyway.
Interesting aside about Miss Garson: She married the actor (Richard Frey) who played her college age son, Vin in the movie, after filming. He was only slightly more than 10 years her junior, and the marriage didn't last long. Not entirely surprising. He was practically blacklisted in Hollywood after purportedly being incredibly cruel to Ms Garson during the divorce. (He did go on to succeed in the financial field later)

When I'm old and can't move anymore, just prop me up in front of a television with lots of DVD's (or whatever is comparable to them by then) of all my favorite old movies.