Sunday, October 26, 2008


“Trickle-down economics" and "trickle-down theory" are terms of political rhetoric that refer to the policy of providing tax cuts or other benefits to businesses and rich individuals, in the belief that this will indirectly benefit the broad population. The term has been attributed to humorist Will Rogers, who said during the Great Depression that "money was all appropriated for the top in hopes that it would trickle down to the needy." (definition from Wickipedia)

In recent years, this “trickle down” theory has been closely identified with Regan’s tax policies and now George Bush and “the Rich Republicans.” According to the Democrats, this theory just doesn’t work and needs to be reversed. Big business and individuals making over a decided amount need to pay more to “spread the wealth around” as Obama recently correctly identified his true thinking on the matter. So according to my thinking, Barack “Robin Hood” Obama and Joe “Little John” are planning to rob the rich to give to the poor…...all in the name of “spreading the wealth” around. They don’t even deny it!

What we are talking about here people is TAX INCREASES! These tax increases will affect the providers of jobs, goods, services, and charitable contributions. Let’s look at the obvious under Obama’s plan:

· Higher corporate taxes….more jobs move overseas.
· More American dollars go to offshore financial institutions.
· Higher tax on the oil companies… already know what that means.
· Fewer charitable contributions……..who suffers?
· Work force will be cut…….who is hurt?
· Socialized medicine….do you really think that only 20% of taxpayers will fund this?
· Increase in social spending to unprecedented amounts.
· A redistribution of dollars to the same low income people who have repeatedly squandered other government handouts.

Obama’s plan reduces investment and punishes wealth. Never mind that millions of Americans are counting on their investments to help fund their retirement. The main thing that strikes me about Obama is that he is really counting on the average American NOT understanding the basic economics of tax policies. Sad to say, that’s exactly what has happened.

My husband & I own a remodeling firm that has a total of 5 employees and keeps many, many sub-contractors busy on a daily basis. We have been fortunate that our business has continued to prosper even during economic downturns. With the recent financial market meltdowns and the “Scary Factor” of an Obama presidency, in this past week two clients (90% of our clients make $200,000. + a year) have put their jobs on “hold.” How many sub-contractors will make less money now? How many vendors will sell less product? How many future jobs will be put on hold or even cancelled? SO.......where does this leave "the little guy?" Isn't this the one that Obama wants to help?

THAT, my friends, is real “Trickle Down Economics.”
THAT is the Witch’s Brew that is Obama’s tax plan.


Monday, October 20, 2008


First they came after the global warming deniers and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a denier least not in public.

Then they came after the hate-speech mongers (ministers and anyone who doesn't believe in same-sex marriage), but I didn't speak up because I never said I was against same-sex least not in public.

Then they came after the Mormons and evangelical Christians and and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Mormon and didn't call myself "evangelical."

Then they came after "the wealthy"and I didn't speak up because I wasn't one of "the wealthy."

Then they came after the conservative radio hosts and bloggers and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a radio host or blogger.

Then they came after blue collar "Joes" who dared to question Obama's socialistic tax plans and I didn't speak up because I never dared to question The Anointed One about anything public.

Then they came for me.........and by that time, no one was left to speak up.

Think that America is immune to fascism?
Think again.