Saturday, December 13, 2008

Barrack Obama.....Our Christmas Present

Overly Confident or Narcissistic?
Meek or Haughty?
Humble or Arrogant?
Agent of Change or “Business as usual”?

We were sold a “bill of goods” and the packaging was all shiny with pretty ribbon though many of us could see beyond the glitzy wrapping. We’ve all heard the expression, “You get what you pay for.” Well, we are all going to get exactly what we paid for……...but the actual cost is yet to be determined.
Already some of his supporters are experiencing buyer’s remorse. After all, the tinsel is off, so to speak, and it’s starting to look more and more like the package is somewhat empty. The media is being forced to report on the Illinois political cesspool where filth keeps floating to the top. Are the unsavory connections starting to make sense now? Are you connecting the dots? Not yet? Hold you nose…….it’s just beginning to smell like a rotten Christmas present...........ONE THAT'S NON-RETURNABLE.