Saturday, May 24, 2008


“A Messianic complex is not just the general wish to redeem the world or to improve the conditions of the world, but it includes another component equally as important. The messianic wish is not merely a general wish for improved conditions and for changes for the better, but the wish of that person to become personally the redeemer of the world.”

Sometimes, a group views a person as a sort of “messiah”. That person doesn’t have to make any claims to be a messiah, but if he is treated as such by his followers, the results are the same. I found part of this definition on the Internet and couldn’t find the source, but does anyone doubt that this “Messianic complex” very aptly describes Barrack Obama and the Democrats today?

They truly believe they need to save us from ourselves. (US….meaning “us” Republicans) They know best what this nation needs, but better yet, they know what’s best for you and me.

* They know that you don’t need guns (after all you are just angry and bitter).
* They know you need religion (as long as it is their brand of religion).
* They know the government needs to tell you how to eat, maybe even penalizing you financially if you order a Big Mac.
* They know the United States should grant amnesty to all the illegals that are here right now (especially those working in the agricultural industry). We must be compassionate.
* They know how best to raise your children (after all, It Takes a Village).
* They know that private schools and home schools could never be as effective as public education. (could it be that the Teacher’s Union is in the back pocket of the Democrats?)
* They know that sitting down with rogue leaders of terrorist nations will make us all feel better. After all, maybe we can finally find out why they don’t like us and talk them out of being bad .
* They want to reduce our military while muslim "jihad" is taking place all over the world.
* They want to disarm our nuclear capability while rogue nations are building up theirs.
* They know a little ole’ country like Iran couldn't possibly be a threat to a big ole’ country like the USA or our allies. (Israel?)
* They know that you want to have universal health care like Canada. After all, it has worked so well there. (just kidding!)
* They know that you really want to re-define the definition of marriage, because if you don’t, then you must be a nasty ole’ homophobe and they will have to pass some hate crime laws to keep you in line.
* And mostly…….they know that they are morally superior to you if you don’t think like they do.

When is someone who is politically prominent and respected by both parties going to have the kahonies to tell the masses swallowing this Obama Kool-Aid that the Democrats really do want them to stay on the plantation…..yes, even Obama.

When is it going to matter to the American people that Obama is an empty suit full of empty rhetoric? (Where is the press in investigating his less than savory ties and associations?) He can speak for hours and say nothing. His followers are so gullible they don’t even understand his use of “catch phrases” and “buzz words” to appeal to their fears?

As much as I find disdainful and disgusting about this phenomenon, perhaps it isn’t entirely their fault. The mainstream media has consistently portrayed Obama as the Great Redeemer, the Savior of the masses. They are indulging in a great orgiastic media-fest, the likes of which we haven’t seen since The Beatles and Elvis. When they granted John and Bobby Kennedy halos and wings, at least they were intelligent and had charisma. Obama only marginally meets the criteria for charisma . Anyone would be hard-pressed to name anything he has actually accomplished in his two short years in Congress that qualifies him to be President.

Seems I remember not so very long ago the Clinton's were the media darlings. Now, with the appearance of a new savior on the horizon, they have certainly lost their place among the celestial kingdom of bright media stars . They show us the masses of humanity at Obama’s events and portray him speaking to the crowd like Jesus preaching the Sermon on the Mount. Alas… quickly they anoint and then condemn to the depths of that place that shall go unnamed! If we’ve learned anything at all, it should be that people elevated to such heights by mere mortals cannot help but disappoint, fall from grace and generally fail us in ways we can’t even imagine yet. Obama might be riding a great wave for now, but he should be very, very afraid! It’s not such a long fall from Savior to Prince of Darkness. Just ask Bill and Hillary.

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