Thursday, August 06, 2009


I really don't want to shatter anyone's bubble, but the AARP is not your friend or advocate. My hope is that after you read this and watch this video, you will cancel your membership in this left-leaning organization and let them know why! They are in the back pocket of the Dems' & are strongly supporting this "so called" health care reform in it's current form. (listen carefully in the video & you will hear about one of their leaders being photographed with the likes of Hugo's true in case you're wondering! & if you don't see anything wrong with this, then there's not much hope for you anyway!) Interesting that so many Seniors are supporting AARP, when they are the ones who will suffer the most under Obamacare. This bill plainly states that Medicare benefits will be cut drastically...they call it "a savings." (over $500 billion in Medicare and Medicaid) Notice they never say they will cut waste, fraud and inefficiency. The days of stents, bypass surgery, hip & knee replacement (Get a cane!) and even chemotherapy for many cancers in the "over 55 crowd" will be gone.
If you are having difficulty believing this, then please read the bill for yourself. (if you dare). This, my friends, is HEALTH CARE RATIONING.
You can call it something else if it makes you feel better.
AND........if you don't believe all of this, can just "BITE ME!"
(sorry.....I know that's not a nice saying)
Oh no....maybe you better not.
I hear they won't be giving rabies shots to anyone over 50!

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