Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It seems the world is spinning out of control and I think we all feel somewhat powerless to do anything about it. I know I do. These radical Islamists have gone crazy over this cartoon business. But I'm afraid it's not nearly so simplistic as a reaction to a series of cartoons. Do the Jews riot & murder at the cruel depictions of them by (not even radical) Muslims? Do the Christians riot and set fires as they are pummeled in the media and the art world .....when Christ is depicted as "Piss Christ" in a vat of urine? Make no mistake about it...this is a clash of civilizations, not merely some spontaneous overreaction to some cartoons. This is a carefully orchestrated violent response to any perceived opposition to their view of the world, God, & Man. (How do you think they had so many Danish flags ready to burn?) I think the only thing they understand is "like" & superior power. Hirsi Ali, the black, Muslim, female co-producer of assassinated Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, talked about western journalists to Der Spiegel this week, while in hiding: "The [Islamists] call Jews and Christians inferior, and we say they're just exercising their freedom of speech ... Islamists don't allow their critics the same rights … After the West prostrates itself, the [Islamists] will be more than happy to say that Allah has made the infidels spineless."

Where is our proud American press who so prides itself in the tradition of truth? The people (that's YOU & ME) need to demand our local media (television & newspapers) reprint these cartoons. Did appeasement stop Hitler or lead to further agression? Do we ever learn our history lessons?

I try to get up everyday and lead a somewhat normal life, but it is becoming a little scary. I'd like to plan a trip to Europe, but don't feel safe. I'm not sure I feel truly safe anywhere other than in my own little corner of the world.

And how much longer will that be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boycott any Muslim businesses. Don’t spend a single red cent with them. I’m NOT advocating
any violence towards them at this point, but Americans better wake up and arm yourself. One day
they will need to protect their homes and businesses from these extremists.